i wish i could use a photo as a title for these logs bc i can think of a gazillion images id use rn that words cannot convey

im unbelievably sleep deprived and i hate this project so much and i am so disappointed lol
like?? the one and really only thing im somewhat happy with is that i stayed true to the hand drawn assets for the most part??
i just wish i had given myself more of the time we had actually been given for this to complete more of the game than i have now rather than having this be ? a shoddily put together prototype of my og idea. idk

like, i know i wouldve needed to teach myself json to create and implement the dialogue options and point system i wanted ?(which wouldve. made up the entire fucking game btw.) but still, if i didnt leave it so late??? idk im not too sure what im typing anyway im tired and i hate this and im going to bed

shoutout to toni for the "what's the stuff you put in rooms called. oh wait no its furniture" line bc he's also sleep deprived and the question was so good i had to take a moment.

but yeah i hate this also the dialogue is shit so much of it was placeholder but i got too tired change it. im so annoyed w myself arghghghuhg


assimilation 2.zip Play in browser
Dec 11, 2023

Get assimilation 2


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this is my son btw. this is my eraser head baby.

some videos i watched while working on this idk